Information about the links or groups of links in relation Physiatry are shown below:
Here is the information about the links or groups of links related to our specialty. These links includes some Indian Physiatry websites and medical websites. Special care is taken so that there are adequate useful information is available from these sites.
It is requeseted to the members to contact the website contact e-mail, if any such new useful website is found by them, sothat that addresses can be included in this site for everyone's benefit.
Indian PM&R sites -
Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, New Delhi, India.
Physiatrists Society of Kerala.
One of the most active Physiatrists group in the southern state of Kerala, India.
Wonderful group of Indian Physiatrists
If you are a physiatrist from India, you cann't miss this group.
Favorite Sites
The wonderful site of abstracts of almost all Medical journals.
Association of Academic Physiatrists
Publisher of the monthly journal of American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, USA.
American academy of PM&R.
A wonderful site with a lot of relevant links in its journal section.
P.M&R Resources
The name itself is self-explanatory. Visit this site once.
Department of Veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research & Development Service - research articles in Physiatry - full text - freely available up to date.
Free Medical Journals!!
Surprising but it is true.
Free Medical Books?
Yes, it is true again, enjoy and enrich your knowledge for free.
Prosthetics and Orthotics
This is a wonderful site of Prosthetics and Orthotics.
Medical algorithms page
Site that provides various scales for assessment of various medical problems. Visit once and you will know the importance.